With Age Comes Wisdom: What We Can Learn From Older People

With Age Comes Wisdom: What We Can Learn From Older People

Photo by Abi Howard on Unsplash

They may not be as competent as the younger generations regarding technology, but their wisdom lies somewhere else, somewhere more meaningful.

Aging is frightening.

To some, it means losing the vitality they once enjoyed. It’s losing the energy that allows them to be far from home and with hours to spare and spend in the company of friends. Aging can be associated with losing freedom, with older people depending on their families once they start losing their robustness.

Loss – Principally, when people think of aging, they commonly associate it with loss, with most things negative. When people think about the elderly, perceptions revolve primarily around what they don’t have compared to what they do. The more people age, the more they lose hold of things that once defined them, those that made them happy in their prime. It’s unfortunate how age comes with such negative connotations and associations. It’s no wonder why people are so anxious thinking of the future.

However, most fail to consider that aging also allows people to gain things as much as they lose control or grasp of others. In every process of life, a trade happens, and so does when one grows old.

Age is exchanged with experiences.

Strength or robustness is exchanged with wisdom.

Aging doesn’t always have to be cynical. The world doesn’t turn black and white when people grow old. In fact, it might even be added with more hues the more people experience it. They grow from seeing the world through limited to a broader range of perspectives, with more understanding and their pasts further coloring their world. Aging also has benefits and advantages that come with it.

For one, elderlies have an abundance of experiences, more than their younger counterparts have yet to encounter. Whatever they learn from these, they can share with those younger. Whether it’s simple activities like cooking or shopping to more complex ones like dealing with grief or regrets, the older ones are more equipped with experiences and thus more significant advice for others to learn from.

Given their current dispositions, they may commonly receive the short end of the stick. Their inability to understand and adjust to the modern world may have received a few judgmental glances and disapproving opinions. They have been called and mocked for their “boomer” mentality – although most deserve the discernment. But these individuals have been through so much that they’re better at comprehending the world.

Not to mention, their experiences are far different than what the current generation undergoes. Society has changed, and the world has become more accessible, more giving than before. Hence, they’re the people to approach if it’s valuable advice for complex experiences. The younger generations have much information they can pick from these individuals to help them in their future endeavors.

Albert Sipes’ Boomer-1945: My Inspired Journey gives readers a glimpse of how life had been before. He showcases the difference in circumstances people had to endure then and what happens now, narrating what he had gone through during his prime. The events he’s undergone might have been significantly different from the situations today, and readers won’t relate so much to what he’s experienced. Societal structures may have gradually changed, and how people react to some issues has also changed. But the wisdom from Albert Sipes’ experiences remains constant.

Wisdom is timeless.

Albert might have gained him from different experiences, but at their core, they can be interchanged and reapplied to newer events. And while scanning through his experiences, readers have some wisdom to amass from Albert’s life story.

Among the most significant lessons Boomer-1945 conveys is the courage Albert has manifested throughout his endeavors. Again, the experiences he’s undergone before won’t be the same as what people encounter now, but at its core, his experience teaches others to brave through whatever life throws at them. Modern society might not be as stringent as it was during his life, but there will always be instances in today’s society where people must be courageous through challenges.

Regardless of the period, life isn’t always happy. People need to know how to cope with the downside of it and understand that in roughness, there will always be hope underneath, waiting to be uncovered.

The older generation’s experiences teach us that there will always be a solution to every problem. Nobody is thrown into a situation they won’t survive. Although this might mean they’re required to ask others for help. But at the end of the day, they will overcome these harsh times.

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